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Figure 9.—Long-term trends in permafrost temperatures for selected locations in the Northern Hemisphere (modified from Brown, Hubberten, and Romanovsky, 2008). A, Permafrost temperatures from European Russia (VT-Vorkuta; RG-Rogovoi; KT-Karataikha; MB-Mys Bolvansky); B, Permafrost temperatures from Yakutia, Russia
(TK-Tiksi; YK-Yakutsk); C, Permafrost temperatures from western Siberia (UR-Urengoi; ND-Nadym); D, Changes in permafrost temperatures at 20-m depth in Alaska
(WD-West Dock; DH-Deadhorse; FB-Franklin Bluffs; HV-Happy Valley; LG-Livengood; GK-Gulkana; BL-Birch Lake; OM-Old Man); E, Permafrost temperatures from Central
Asia (KZ-Kazakhstan; MG-Mongolia); and F, Ground temperatures at depths of 10 to 12 m between 1984 and 2006 (A–F) northwestern Canada (WG-Wrigley; NW-Norman
Wells; NA-Northern Alberta; FS-Fort Simpson).