Chapter IN

By R.M. Flores and D.J. Nichols

in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1625-A

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Table IN-1. Arithmetic means of heat-of-combustion (Btu/lb) and moisture, ash, and total sulfur contents (percent) of coal in the Powder River and Williston Basins compared to similar analyses from other coal-producing regions in the conterminous United States
Parameter Powder River Basin* Williston Basin Colorado Plateau Gulf Coast Illinois Basin Appalachian Basin
Heat of combustion 8,220 6,510 10,020 6,780 11,600 12,710
Moisture 27.66 37.88 12.21 30.84 7.86 3.32
Ash 6.44 7.96 13.08 15.12 10.43 11.58
Total sulfur 0.48 0.84 0.83 1.09 3.55 2.14
* Only the Wyodak-Anderson coal zone is included in the Powder River Basin in this
study. All data on an as-received basis.

Chapter IN  - Introduction -  U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1625-A