Chapter IN

By R.M. Flores and D.J. Nichols

in U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1625-A

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Geologic Setting
     Coal geology
     Coal stratigraphy
Depositional Settings and their Influence on Coal Resources
     Early Paleocene
     Middle Paleocene
     Late Paleocene
     Influence of Depositional Environments
Coal Quality

IN-1.   Index map of Northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains region  showing locations of 
            sedimentary basins and distribution of Fort Union Formation and equivalent strata and coal.
IN-2.   Composite stratigraphic section of coal-bearing Paleocene rocks in the four major basins studied in 
            the Northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains region.
IN-3.   Fluvial depositional model.
IN-4.   Stratigraphic nomenclature for the Paleocene of the Northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains 
IN-5.   Ferris coal beds.
IN-6.   Wyodak-Anderson coal zone.
IN-7.   Beulah-Zap coal zone.
IN-8.   Deadman coal zone.
IN-9.   Some key species of fossil pollen used in biostratigraphic zonation of the Paleocene and Eocene in the 
            Rocky Mountain region.
IN-10. Biostratigraphic (palynostratigraphic) zonation of the Paleocene and adjacent rocks in the Rocky 
            Mountain region.
IN-11. Composite stratigraphic section for the Northern Rocky Mountains and Great Plains region showing 
             the assessment units with age relations based on palynostratigraphy.
IN-12Composite correlation of Paleocene sections based on palynostratigraphy.
IN-13Physiographic diagram showing the region in early Paleocene time.
IN-14Physiographic diagram showing the region in middle Paleocene time.
IN-15Physiographic diagram showing the region in late Paleocene time.

IN-1. Arithmetic means of heat-of-combustion (Btu/lb) and moisture, ash, and total sulfur contents (percent) of 
          coal in the Powder River and Williston Basins
IN-2. Arithmetic means of pounds of SO2 per million Btu of coal in the Powder River and Williston Basins
IN-3. Arithmetic means of concentrations of trace elements of environmental concern in the Powder River and 
          Williston Basins

Chapter IN  - Introduction -  U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1625-A