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Professional Paper 1650–F

Atlas of Relations Between Climatic Parameters and Distributions of Important Trees and Shrubs in North America—Modern Data for Climatic Estimation from Vegetation Inventories


Histograms illustrating the data are included in this report following the data tables. In previous volumes of this atlas, histograms depicted the number of occurrences of each taxon in relation to a given range of a climatic parameter. A bar in a histogram represented a specified range of a climatic parameter, and the height of the bar indicated the number of occurrences of the taxon that fell within this specified range. The histograms in this report are different in that instead of the bars of the previous volumes, we constructed "silhouettes" that are continuous lines that would trace the tops of the individual bars, and instead of using bars that show the number of occurrences that fall within the range of each increment on the x axis (for example, 1°C), these values are coded to reflect the 1 to 4 values used as weights in our MCRwt analyses.


There are 30 pages of histograms (with 18 histograms per page) for each of four pairs of parameters:

  • mean temperature of the coldest month (MTCO) and mean temperature of the warmest month (MTWA)
  • mean annual temperature (ANNT) and growing degree days on a 5°C base (GDD5)
  • mean January precipitation (JANP) and mean July precipitation (JULP)
  • mean annual precipitation (ANNP) and actual evapotranspiration/potential evapotranspiration (AE/PE)

Below are the taxa covered on each page:

Page Taxa (alphabetical range) Parameters
1 Abies amabilis to    Acer leucoderme MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
2 Acer macrophyllum to    Alnus rubra MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
3 Alnus rugosa to    Asimina triloba MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
4 Avicennia germinans to    Carpinus caroliniana MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
5 Carya aquatica to    Ceanothus thyrsiflorus MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
6 Celtis laevigata to    Chilopsis linearis MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
7 Chionanthus virginicus to    Cornus racemosa MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
8 Cornus rugosa to    Ehretia anacua MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
9 Erythrina flabelliformis to    Fraxinus caroliniana MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
10 Fraxinus cuspidata to    Halesia carolina MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
11 Halesia diptera to    Ilex vomitoria MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
12 Illicium floridanum to    Juniperus scopulorum MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
13 Juniperus silicicola to    Lysiloma microphylla MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
14 Maclura pomifera to    Myrica heterophylla MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
15 Myrica inodora to    Picea rubens MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
16 Picea sitchensis to    Pinus glabra MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
17 Pinus jeffreyi to    Pinus rigida MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
18 Pinus sabiniana to    Populus deltoides MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
19 Populus fremontii to    Prunus serotina MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
20 Prunus subcordata to    Quercus durandii MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
21 Quercus ellipsoidalis to    Quercus lobata MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
22 Quercus lyrata to    Quercus shumardii MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
23 Quercus stellata to    Rhus copallina MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
24 Rhus glabra to    Salix bebbiana MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
25 Salix bonplandiana to    Salix pyrifolia MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
26 Salix scouleriana to    Shepherdia argentea MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
27 Solanum erianthum to    Taxus brevifolia MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
28 Taxus canadensis to    Ulmus thomasii MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
29 Umbellularia californica to    Yucca mohavensis MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE
30 Yucca rostrata to    Zanthoxylum hirsutum MTCO and MTWA  | ANNT and GDD5  | JANP and JULP  | ANNP and AE/PE


For additional information contact:
Director, Geosciences and Environmental Change Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
Box 25046, Mail Stop 980
Denver, CO 80225

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