Native prairie areas on the Woodworth Station were sampled, classified, described, and mapped. Transect sites were selectively located along different soil moisture gradients. Data were collected from 292 plots using a modified Braun-Blanquet cover estimation technique. Trees and tall shrubs (over 2 m) were not sampled because they made up less than 1% of all cover. Eve vegetation classes were established based on growth forms. They were mixed grass, shrub, tall grass, broad-leaved forbs, and trees. Each class is divided into community types based on species composition. The mixed-grass class has blue grama, Kentucky bluegrass, and mixed native grasses. The shrub class is divided into low shrub, shrub grassland, and tall shrub. The tall-grass class includes little bluestem, big bluestem, bluestem Indian-grass, and prairie cordgrass. These results will provide baseline information for long-range plans on habitat management which are being developed for the Woodworth Station.