Early imprinting in wild and game-farm mallards (Anas platyrhynchos): Genotype and arousal

Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology
By: , and 



Early imprinting was studied under laboratory conditions in five lines of mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) with different degrees of wildness obtained through pedigreed breeding. Data were analyzed by the least squares method. Wild ducklings imprinted better than game-farm (domesticated) ducklings, and heterosis was demonstrated to exist in imprinting traits. Nonadditive genetic variations and genotype-environmental interactions are discussed as possible causes for the heterosis observed. Differences in imprinting between genetic lines are attributed, at least partly, to differences in arousal level during the ducklings' first exposure to the imprinting stimulus.
Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Early imprinting in wild and game-farm mallards (Anas platyrhynchos): Genotype and arousal
Series title Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology
DOI 10.1037/h0077615
Volume 93
Issue 5
Year Published 1979
Language English
Publisher American Psychological Association
Contributing office(s) Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
Description 10 p.
First page 929
Last page 938
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