Schroeder (1984) proposed a habitat suitability model for breeding canvasbacks (Aythya valisineria) based on the size, water regime, and emergent vegetation of wetlands. We evaluated the model with data from surveys of canvasbacks on 2265 wetlands in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota. The model proved inadequate as a predictor of canvasback pair density; the correlation between values produced by the model and canvasback pair densities was r = 0.0023 (P = 0.911). There were, however, suggestions of (1) higher canvasback density and frequency of occurrence on wetlands with more open interiors, and (2) a relation between canvasback density and wetland size that varied according to wetland permanence. We recommend that the model be improved by testing these relations, and possibly by incorporating determinants of water quality or pondweed (Potamogeton spp.) occurrence.