This paper reports the results of studies in Maine (1975-77) and New Brunswick (1974) on the utilization of commercial timber areas by woodcock (Philohela minor). Openings created by logging operations were utilized for singing grounds and nocturnal roosting habitat. Singing male densities of 3.4 birds/1oo ha on were found on New Brunswick elearcuts, 0.24 birds/IOO ha on northern Maine elearcuts, and 1.8-2.1 birds/IOO ha on central Maine selective cuts. Singing male densities in New Brunswick were greater on cuts smaller than 20 ha than on larger cuts. Compared to abandoned agricultural land and alder thickets, earthworm biomass on timber harvest areas was lower and fewer birds used the cuts as diurnal habitat. Regenerating stands provided low quality diurnal habitat, which appeared to limit woodcock numbers on the study areas. The importance of commercial timber harvest operations to future woodcock populations is discussed.