Effects of maternal and grandmaternal nutrition on deer mass and vulnerability to wolf predation

Journal of Mammalogy
By: , and 



In a Minnesota ecosystem, mass of female white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fawns and adults, and survival of adult females in the face of wolf (Canis lupus) predation, were directly related to maternal nutrition during gestation. Mass of single male fawns produced by 2-year-old females, and survival of yearlings to 2 years of age were related directly to the nutrition of their grandmothers.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Effects of maternal and grandmaternal nutrition on deer mass and vulnerability to wolf predation
Series title Journal of Mammalogy
DOI 10.2307/1381989
Volume 72
Issue 1
Year Published 1991
Language English
Publisher Oxford Academic
Contributing office(s) Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
Description 6 p.
First page 146
Last page 151
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