Acute oral toxicity of sodium cyanide in birds

Journal of Wildlife Diseases
By: , and 



Sensitivities of six avian species, black vulture (Coragyps atratus), American kestrel (Falco sparverius), Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica), domestic chicken (Gallus domesticus), eastern screech-owl (Otus asio), and European starling (Sturnus vulgaris), to acute poisoning by sodium cyanide (NaCN) were compared by single dose LD50's. Three species, domestic chickens, black vultures, and turkey vultures (Cathartes aura), were dosed with NaCN to determine cyanide residues in those that died and also in survivors, in addition to postmortem fate. Three flesh-eating species (black vulture, American kestrel, and eastern screech-owl; LD50's 4.0–8.6 mg/kg) were more sensitive to NaCN than three species (Japanese quail, domestic chicken, and European starling; LD50's 9.4–21 mg/kg) that fed predominantly on plant material. Elevated concentrations of cyanide were found in the blood of birds that died of cyanide poisoning; however, concentrations in birds that died overlapped those in survivors. Blood was superior to liver as the tissue of choice for detecting cyanide exposure. No gross pathological changes related to dosing were observed at necropsy.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Acute oral toxicity of sodium cyanide in birds
Series title Journal of Wildlife Diseases
DOI 10.7589/0090-3558-22.4.538
Volume 22
Issue 4
Year Published 1986
Language English
Publisher Wildlife Disease Association
Contributing office(s) Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
Description 9 p.
First page 538
Last page 546
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