The use of a robust capture-recapture design in small mammal population studies: A field example with Microtus pennsylvanicus
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The robust design of Pollock (1982) was used to estimate parameters of a Maryland M. pennsylvanicus population. Closed model tests provided strong evidence of heterogeneity of capture probability, and model M eta (Otis et al., 1978) was selected as the most appropriate model for estimating population size. The Jolly-Seber model goodness-of-fit test indicated rejection of the model for this data set, and the M eta estimates of population size were all higher than the Jolly-Seber estimates. Both of these results are consistent with the evidence of heterogeneous capture probabilities. The authors thus used M eta estimates of population size, Jolly-Seber estimates of survival rate, and estimates of birth-immigration based on a combination of the population size and survival rate estimates. Advantages of the robust design estimates for certain inference procedures are discussed, and the design is recommended for future small mammal capture-recapture studies directed at estimation.
Publication type | Article |
Publication Subtype | Journal Article |
Title | The use of a robust capture-recapture design in small mammal population studies: A field example with Microtus pennsylvanicus |
Series title | Acta Theriologica |
DOI | 10.4098/AT.arch.84-34 |
Volume | 29 |
Issue | 30 |
Publication Date | December 20, 1984 |
Year Published | 1984 |
Language | English |
Publisher | Polska Akademia Nauk |
Contributing office(s) | Patuxent Wildlife Research Center |
Description | 9 p. |
First page | 357 |
Last page | 365 |
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