Movements by adult Percina nigrojasciata and juvenile Lepomis auritus were examined in a large Coastal Plain stream in the southeastern United States. I marked fishes with subcutaneous injections of acrylic paints to indicate capture location within a 550-m long study site. Recaptures over an 18-month period primarily occurred within 33m of the original capture location, suggesting long-term residence in relatively small areas. However, 11 Percina and three Lepomis moved at least 100 m (maximum distance moved = 200 m for Lepomis, 420 m for Percina), and individuals of both species shifted between distinctly different mesohabitats (boulder riffle, sand pool, and gravel riffle). Distance moved did not strongly relate to time between captures. Long-distance movements (> 33 m) by Percina mostly occurred from Nov. through June. The winter and springtime movements by darters occurred in upstream and downstream directions and into all three mesohabitats, and at least 40% of these movements were unassociated with periods of extreme high flow. Periodic long-range movements may allow small fishes to respond to variation in resources over a large area and across a variety of stream habitats.