The determination of low levels of cobalt-60 in environmental waters by liquid scintillation counting

Analytica Chimica Acta



A method for determination of cobalt-60 in waters at levels greater than 0.5 pCi per sample is presented. A modification of the method may be used to analyze fluvial sediments and soils. After the cobalt has been separated, first as the hydroxide and then as the thiocyanate complex in methyl isobutyl ketone, it is counted in a liquid scintillation system at 80% efficiency. Separation factors achieved for six isotopes are generally greater than 2,000. The time for a single analysis, exclusive of the counting and evaporation operations, is about 2 h.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title The determination of low levels of cobalt-60 in environmental waters by liquid scintillation counting
Series title Analytica Chimica Acta
DOI 10.1016/S0003-2670(01)80953-3
Volume 52
Issue 2
Year Published 1970
Language English
Publisher Elsevier
Description 7 p.
First page 229
Last page 235
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