Quantitative radiochemical method for determination of major sources of natural radioactivity in ores and minerals

Analytical Chemistry



When an ore sample contains radioactivity other than that attributable to the uranium series in equilibrium, a quantitative analysis of the other emitters must be made in order to determine the source of this activity. Thorium-232, radon-222, and lead-210 have been determined by isolation and subsequent activity analysis of some of their short-lived daughter products. The sulfides of bismuth and polonium are precipitated out of solutions of thorium or uranium ores, and the α-particle activity of polonium-214, polonium-212, and polonium-210 is determined by scintillation-counting techniques. Polonium-214 activity is used to determine radon-222, polonium-212 activity for thorium-232, and polonium-210 for lead-210. The development of these methods of radiochemical analysis will facilitate the rapid determination of some of the major sources of natural radioactivity.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Quantitative radiochemical method for determination of major sources of natural radioactivity in ores and minerals
Series title Analytical Chemistry
DOI 10.1021/ac60092a014
Volume 26
Issue 8
Publication Date May 01, 2002
Year Published 1954
Language English
Publisher ACS Publications
Description 5 p.
First page 1307
Last page 1311
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