U-Th-Pb and Rb-Sr systematics of Apollo 17 boulder 7 from the North Massif of the Taurus-Littrow Valley
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Portions of highland breccia boulder 7 collected during the Apollo 17 mission were studied using UTh
Pb and Rb
Sr systematics. A Rb
Sr internal isochron age of3.89 ± 0.08b.y. with an initial87Sr/86Sr of0.69926 ± 0.00008 was obtained for clast 1 (77135,57) (a troctolitic microbreccia). A troctolitic portion of microbreccia clast 77215,37 yielded a U
Pb internal isochron of3.8 ± 0.2b.y. and an initial206Pb/207Pb of 0.69. These internal isochron age are interpreted as reflecting metamorphic events, probably related to impacts, which reset Rb
Sr and U
Pb mineral systems of older rocks.
Six portions of boulder 7 were analyzed for U, Th, and Pb as whole rocks. Two chemical groups appear to be defined by the U, Th, and Pb concentration data. Chemical group A is characterized by U, Th, and Pb concentrations and238U/204Pb values which are higher than those of group B. Group A rocks have typical232Th/238U ratios of ∼ 3.85, whereas-group B rocks have unusually high Th/U values of ∼ 4.1.
Whole-rock UPb and Pb
Pb ages are nearly concordant. Two events appear to be reflected in these data — one at ∼ 4.4 b.y. and one at ∼ 4.5 b.y. The chemical groupings show no correlation with documented ages. The old ages of ∼ 4.4 b.y. and ∼ 4.5 b.y. may, like the younger ∼ 4.0 b.y. ages, be related to basin excavation events.
Publication type | Article |
Publication Subtype | Journal Article |
Title | U-Th-Pb and Rb-Sr systematics of Apollo 17 boulder 7 from the North Massif of the Taurus-Littrow Valley |
Series title | Earth and Planetary Science Letters |
DOI | 10.1016/0012-821X(74)90134-4 |
Volume | 23 |
Issue | 3 |
Year Published | 1974 |
Language | English |
Publisher | Elsevier |
Description | 8 p. |
First page | 445 |
Last page | 452 |
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