Ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination of tantalum with pyrogallol

Analytical Chemistry



In a search for a more rapid method for the determination of tantalum in rocks and minerals, an intensive study was made of the tantalum-pyrogallol reaction recommended by Platanov and Krivoshlikov, and a better modified spectrophotometric procedure is given. The improved method consists in measuring the absorbancy of the tantalum-pyrogallol complex at 325 mμ in 4N hydrochloric acid and a fixed concentration (0.0175M) of ammonium oxalate. Beer's law is followed for the concentration range up to 40 γ per ml. Sensitivity in terms of molar absorbancy index is 4775. Most interferences are additive in character and readily correctable. Separations or major corrections are required in the presence of significant amounts of molybdenum, tungsten, antimony, and uranium. The method has been successfully applied to three ores previously analyzed by gravimetric techniques. The method affords greater speed, sensitivity, and reproducibility in the determination of tantalum in rocks and minerals. A more reliable technique for preparing standard solutions of tantalum has been developed.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination of tantalum with pyrogallol
Series title Analytical Chemistry
DOI 10.1021/ac60084a004
Volume 25
Issue 12
Publication Date May 01, 2002
Year Published 1953
Language English
Publisher ACS Publications
Description 5 p.
First page 1803
Last page 1807
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