The 1979 Homestead Valley earthquake sequence, California: Control of aftershocks and postseismic deformation

Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth
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The coseismic slip and geometry of the March 15, 1979, Homestead Valley, California, earthquake sequence are well constrained by precise horizontal and vertical geodetic observations and by data from a dense local seismic network. These observations indicate 0.52±0.10 m of right-lateral slip and 0.17±0.04 m of reverse slip on a buried vertical 6-km-long and 5-km-deep fault and yield a mean static stress drop of 7.2±1.3 MPa. The largest shock had MS = 5.6. Observations of the ground rupture revealed up to 0.1 m of right-lateral slip on two mapped faults that are subparallel to the modeled seismic slip plane. In the 1.9 years since the earthquakes, geodetic network displacements indicate that an additional 60±10 mm of postseismic creep took place. The rate of postseismic shear strain (0.53±0.13 μrad/yr) measured within a 30×30-km network centered on the principal events was anomalously high compared to its preearthquake value and the postseismic rate in the adjacent network. This transient cannot be explained by postseismic slip on the seismic fault but rather indicates that broadscale release of strain followed the earthquake sequence. We have calculated the postearthquake stress field caused by the modeled coseismic slip. We assume that failure is promoted when the sum of the shear stress plus 0.75 times the faultopening stress increases. Most aftershocks concentrate at points where the stresses are enhanced by 0.3 MPa (3 bars) or more; aftershocks are nearly absent where postearthquake stresses decrease by 0.3–0.5 MPa. Isolated off-fault clusters of aftershocks that locate at one fault length from the rupture plane are explainable by this hypothesis. We find that ground rupture and postseismic creep take place where near-surface stresses are calculated to increase within the preexisting fault zones. Two patches that extend 4 km from both ends of the seismic fault exhibited neither aftershocks nor measurable postseismic creep. The sensitivity of aftershocks and ground rupture to changes in stress that are less than 5% of the earthquake stress drop demonstrates that the region around the earthquakes was within a few percent of its failure threshold before the main shocks. The preearthquake stress field and the stress required for failure must also have been nearly uniform.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title The 1979 Homestead Valley earthquake sequence, California: Control of aftershocks and postseismic deformation
Series title Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth
DOI 10.1029/JB088iB08p06477
Volume 88
Issue B8
Year Published 1983
Language English
Publisher American Geophysical Union
Description 14 p.
First page 6477
Last page 6490
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