XRD studies have shown the fine-grained, light blue-green mineral previously identified as turquoise or chrysocolla to be the rare species fraipontite + or - admixed sauconite. Composite microprobe and XRF analyses gave SiO2 24.8, Al2O3 17.3, CaO 0.34, CuO 5.2, ZnO 40.95, H2O (ign. loss, 900oC) 12.8, = 101.39, yielding the formula (Zn1.84Al0.77Cu0.24box 0.13- Ca0.02)3.00(Si1.51Al0.49)2.00O5(OH)4. Semiquantitative emission spectrographic analysis showed Fe 0.007, Mg 0.01, Ca 0.07, Si 10, Al major, Na 0.015, Zn major, Cu 5%; Mn 15, B 150, Be 7, Ni 50, Pb 15, Sc 15, Ga 70 and Ag 1 ppm. It has a 5.331(8), b 9.23(1), c 7.275(6) A, beta 104.15o; H. 3.5-4; Dcalc 3.44, Dobs. 3.08- 3.10; mean refr. ind. approx 1.61. Much of the fraipontite is admixed with sauconite, which may be forming from the fraipontite. XRF analysis of this material gave SiO2 32.8, Al2O3 10.9, MgO < 0.1, CaO 1.51, Na2O < 0.2, K2O < 0.02, TiO2 < 0.02, P2O5 < 0.02, MnO < 0.02, CuO 4.65, ZnO 39.9, ign. loss 13.9, = 103.7.-G.W.R.