Determination of rare earth elements in geological materials by inductively coupled argon plasma/atomic emission spectrometry

Analytical Chemistry
By:  and 



Inductively coupled argon plasma/optical emission spectrometery (ICAP/OES) is useful as a simultaneous, multielement analytical technique for the determination of trace elements in geological materials. A method for the determination of trace-level rare earth elements (REE) in geological materials using an ICAP 63-channel emission spectrometer is described. Separation and preconcentration of the REE and yttrium from a sample digest are achieved by a nitric acid gradient cation exchange and hydrochloric acid anion exchange. Precision of 1-4% relative standard deviation and comparable accuracy are demonstrated by the triplicate analysis of three splits of BCR-1 and BHVO-1. Analyses of other geological materials including coals, soils, and rocks show comparable precision and accuracy.
Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Determination of rare earth elements in geological materials by inductively coupled argon plasma/atomic emission spectrometry
Series title Analytical Chemistry
DOI 10.1021/ac00245a018
Volume 54
Issue 8
Publication Date May 01, 2002
Year Published 1982
Language English
Publisher ACS Publications
Description 4 p.
First page 1329
Last page 1332
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