The U.S. Geological Survey and Petroleum Information Corporation in Denver, Colorado, developed the Eastern Gas Shale Project (EGSP)Data System for the U.S. Department of Energy, Morgantown, West Virginia. Geological, geochemical, geophysical, and engineering data from Devonian shale samples from more than 5800 wells and outcrops in the Appalachian basin were edited and converted to a Petroleum Information Corporation data base. Well and sample data may be retrieved from this data system to produce (1)production-test summaries by formation and well location; (2)contoured isopach, structure, and trendsurface maps of Devonian shale units; (3)sample summary reports for samples by location, well, contractor, and sample number; (4)cross sections displaying digitized log traces, geochemical, and lithologic data by depth for wells; and (5)frequency distributions and bivariate plots. Although part of the EGSP Data System is proprietary, and distribution of complete well histories is prohibited by contract, maps and aggregated well-data listings are being made available to the public through published reports. ?? 1983 Plenum Publishing Corporation.