Glass frit nebulizer for atomic spectrometry

Analytical Chemistry



The nebuilizatlon of sample solutions Is a critical step In most flame or plasma atomic spectrometrlc methods. A novel nebulzatlon technique, based on a porous glass frit, has been Investigated. Basic operating parameters and characteristics have been studied to determine how thte new nebulizer may be applied to atomic spectrometrlc methods. The results of preliminary comparisons with pneumatic nebulizers Indicate several notable differences. The frit nebulizer produces a smaller droplet size distribution and has a higher sample transport efficiency. The mean droplet size te approximately 0.1 ??m, and up to 94% of the sample te converted to usable aerosol. The most significant limitations In the performance of the frit nebulizer are the stow sample equMbratton time and the requirement for wash cycles between samples. Loss of solute by surface adsorption and contamination of samples by leaching from the glass were both found to be limitations only In unusual cases. This nebulizer shows great promise where sample volume te limited or where measurements require long nebullzatlon times.
Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Glass frit nebulizer for atomic spectrometry
Series title Analytical Chemistry
DOI 10.1021/ac00241a009
Volume 54
Issue 4
Publication Date May 01, 2002
Year Published 1982
Language English
Publisher American Chemical Society
Larger Work Type Article
Larger Work Subtype Journal Article
Larger Work Title Analytical Chemistry
First page 638
Last page 642
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