Upper crustal structure of the Mount Hood, Oregon, region as revealed by time term analysis

Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth
By: , and 



Seismic refraction data with a dense areal distribution were collected to study the seismic structure of Mount Hood and the surrounding region. This area is typical of Cascade volcanoes and is geologically quite complex. The prime goals of this project were to search for velocity variations in the upper crustal rocks and to determine if the velocity of these rocks is anisotropic. A new system, including 100 remote recording units, was developed to facilitate the collection of data in this type of survey. The data collected in this study reveal a large variation in velocity and thickness of the uppermost crustal rocks that is probably typical of the High Cascade province. A regional structural pattern surrounding Mount Hood, where there is a marked thinning of low-velocity near-surface rocks, suggests that the present edifice of Mount Hood lies on top of a much larger structure, possibly the roof of a large batholith that was emplaced prior to the eruption of the volcanic rocks that form the modern mountain. A straightforward time term analysis of the data reveals this structure. When the time terms are used to correct the travel time observations for the variation in structure under each station, the remaining set of residuals indicates a variation of travel time with azimuth. While a systematic error in the time term reduction cannot be ruled out, this variation is probably the result of anisotropic velocity structure in the underlying refractor. The alignment of the direction of maximum velocity with the direction of maximum principal stress and the decrease in anisotropy with depth suggest that the anisotropic velocity structure is related to the opening and closing of fractures in the present stress field. The direction of maximum velocity is about N25°W, and the degree of anisotropy appears to vary with depth from about 3% near the surface to zero at depths below 8 km.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Upper crustal structure of the Mount Hood, Oregon, region as revealed by time term analysis
Series title Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth
DOI 10.1029/JB087iB01p00339
Volume 87
Issue B1
Publication Date September 20, 2012
Year Published 1982
Language English
Publisher American Geophysical Union
Description 17 p.
First page 339
Last page 355
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