Late Cenozoic stages and molluscan zones of the U.S. Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain

Journal of Paleontology, Supplement, Part II



Pliocene to Holocene deposits of the U.S.Atlantic Coastal Plain from Maryland to Georgia are divided into four stages and four substages using molluscan biostratigraphic data. These divisions are the Wiltonian and Burwellian Stages (early Pliocene), Gouldian and Windyan Substages of the Colerainian Stage (late Pliocene to early Pleistocene), and Myrtlean and Yongesian Substages of the Longian Stage (late Pleistocene to Holocene). These stages may be recognized from Florida to as far north as Massachusetts and will facilitate correlation with other regions.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Late Cenozoic stages and molluscan zones of the U.S. Middle Atlantic Coastal Plain
Series title Journal of Paleontology, Supplement, Part II
DOI 10.1017/S0022336000061862
Volume 55
Issue 5
Year Published 1981
Language English
Publisher Paleontology Society
Description 34 p.
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