Basic magnetic properties of bituminous coal
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Magnetic susceptibility and other static magnetic parameters have been measured on a number of bituminous coals from various locations in the United States. The paramagnetic Curie constant correlates negatively with carbon concentration on a moisture-free basis. The major contribution to the total paramagnetism comes from the mineral matter rather than from free radicals or broken bonds. Analysis of the data indicates that the specific paramagnetism is generally lower in the mineral matter found in high-ash compared to low-ash coal. A substantial number of the coal specimens tested also had a ferromagnetic susceptibility which appeared to be associated with magnetite. Magnetite and α-iron spherules, possibly of meteoritic or volcanic origin, were found in several specimens.
Publication type | Article |
Publication Subtype | Journal Article |
Title | Basic magnetic properties of bituminous coal |
Series title | Fuel |
DOI | 10.1016/0016-2361(79)90201-1 |
Volume | 58 |
Issue | 12 |
Year Published | 1979 |
Language | English |
Publisher | Elsevier |
Description | 7 p. |
First page | 857 |
Last page | 863 |
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