Paraheritschioides, a new rugose coral genus from the Upper Pennsylvanian of Idaho

Journal of Paleontology



Colonial rugose corals are rare and generally poorly diversified in the Upper Pennsylvanian of the western interior region, conterminous USA. Paraheritschioides n.gen., which includes P. grandis n.sp., and P. complexa n.sp. from the Oquirrh Formation in Idaho, provides a new tool for distinguishing Upper Pennsylvanian rocks in the western interior. The new genus is also represented by P. stevensi (Wilson) in the Permian McCloud Limestone of northern California. The new family Heritschioididae is created to include Paraheritschioides, Heritschioides, Amandophyllum and Heintzella.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Paraheritschioides, a new rugose coral genus from the Upper Pennsylvanian of Idaho
Series title Journal of Paleontology
Volume 59
Issue 4
Year Published 1985
Language English
Publisher Paleontology Society
Description 7 p.
First page 979
Last page 985
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