Interpretation with a Donnan-based concept of the influence of simple salt concentration on the apparent binding of divalent ions to the polyelectrolytes polystyrenesulfonate and dextran sulfate

Journal of Physical Chemistry
By: , and 



It has been shown that the apparent enhancement of divalent metal ion binding to polyions such as polystyrenesulfonate (PSS) and dextran sulfate (DS) by decreasing the ionic strength of these mixed counterion systems (M2+, M+, X-, polyion) can be anticipated with the Donnan-based model developed by one of us (J.A.M.). Ion-exchange distribution methods have been employed to measure the removal by the polyion of trace divalent metal ion from simple salt (NaClO4)-polyion (NaPSS) mixtures. These data and polyion interaction data published earlier by Mattai and Kwak for the mixed counterion systems MgCl2-LiCl-DS and MgCl2-CsCl-DS have been shown to be amenable to rather precise analysis by this model. ?? 1985 American Chemical Society.
Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Interpretation with a Donnan-based concept of the influence of simple salt concentration on the apparent binding of divalent ions to the polyelectrolytes polystyrenesulfonate and dextran sulfate
Series title Journal of Physical Chemistry
DOI 10.1021/j100270a036
Volume 89
Issue 24
Publication Date May 01, 2002
Year Published 1985
Language English
Larger Work Type Article
Larger Work Subtype Journal Article
Larger Work Title Journal of Physical Chemistry
First page 5303
Last page 5307
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