Demonstration of two pulses of Paleogene deformation in the Andes of Peru

Earth and Planetary Science Letters
By: , and 



New radiometric ages of about 25 m.y. on volcanic materials in a marine intercalation within clastic continental strata of the Upper Moquegua Formation near Caraveli, southern Peru, together with an age of25.3 ± 0.4 m.y obtained by Tosdal et al. from a locality about 300 km to the ESE, show that the formation contains strata of late Oligocene as well as Miocene age, and demonstrate that the coastal region was at a low elevation during latest Oligocene time. Because the unconformities between the Upper Moquegua Formation and the underlying Lower Moquegua Formation, and between the Lower Moquegua Formation and underlying Paleocene rocks cannot both represent the same tectonic event, two discrete Paleogene events must be present in the Andes of Peru. Although the exact timing of these events is uncertain, the unconformities are likely to be of Paleocene and middle Eocene age or possibly of middle Eocene and Oligocene age.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Demonstration of two pulses of Paleogene deformation in the Andes of Peru
Series title Earth and Planetary Science Letters
DOI 10.1016/0012-821X(85)90082-2
Volume 73
Issue 2-4
Year Published 1985
Language English
Publisher Elsevier
Description 5 p.
First page 345
Last page 349
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