Deformation of clinopyroxenite: Evidence for a transition in flow mechanisms and semibrittle behavior

Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth
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A systematic suite of constant strain rate experiments was performed on a vacuum-dried, high-purity, fine-grained clinopyroxenite using NaCl and NaF as confining media in a Griggs-type piston-cylinder apparatus. The experiments were carried out over a range of temperatures from 400° to 1100°C, strain rates from 10−3 to 10−7 s−1, and confining pressures from 170 to 1990 MPa. At T = 600°C and urn:x-wiley:01480227:media:jgrb4737:grb4737-math-0001 = 1.1 × 10−5 s−1, three modes of deformation occur with increasing confining pressure: (1) Macroscopic faulting associated with low strength and stress drops, (2) stable microfracturing and plastic deformation associated with pressure-dependent strength, and (3) plastic deformation (mechanical twinning and 〈001〉 slip) with high strengths which are insensitive to pressure variations. In experiments at P = 1500 MPa, within this high-pressure plastic mode, two regimes of flow are clearly defined. At low to intermediate temperatures and high strain rates, flow strengths are insensitive to changes in strain rate and temperature. Optical and transmission electron microscope observations indicate that plastic strain is accomplished by mechanical twinning on (100) and (001) and by {100}〈001〉 slip. In contrast, at high temperatures and low strain rates the flow stress is strongly dependent on temperature and strain rate. Specimens deformed in this regime show evidence of recovery, multiple slip, and recrystallization; and plastic strain is much more homogeneous. The flow data within each regime can be satisfactorily fit to thermally activated power laws. In the low-temperature regime n (the stress exponent) = 83 ± 16 and E* (the activation energy for flow) = 220 ± 40 kJ/mol. We believe that these parameters reflect flow dominated by the kinetics of dislocation glide associated with mechanical twinning and (100)〈001〉 slip. In the high-temperature regime, n = 5.3 ± 1.1 and E* = 380 ± 30 kJ/mol. These parameters describe creep by multiple slip accompanied by increased rates of diffusion and recovery.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Deformation of clinopyroxenite: Evidence for a transition in flow mechanisms and semibrittle behavior
Series title Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth
DOI 10.1029/JB089iB05p03177
Volume 89
Issue B5
Publication Date September 20, 2012
Year Published 1984
Language English
Publisher American Geophysical Union
Description 16 p.
First page 3177
Last page 3192
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