Dating shorelines of lakes in Patagonia, Argentina

Journal of South American Earth Sciences
By: , and 



Organic remains from elevated shorelines of two closed basins were radiocarbon dated and document lakes substantially larger than today between 19,500 and 15,000 years BP in northern Patagonia (lat. 41°S), but only for the last 4000 years in southern Patagonia (lat. 49°S). Such latitudinal difference in the timing of high lake levels is probably related to differences in past precipitation regimes, previously also suggested from the study of pollen records from these latitudes in Argentina.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Dating shorelines of lakes in Patagonia, Argentina
Series title Journal of South American Earth Sciences
DOI 10.1016/0895-9811(88)90037-5
Volume 1
Issue 2
Year Published 1988
Language English
Publisher Elsevier
Description 4 p.
First page 195
Last page 198
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