“Magnifying-Glass” Azimuthal Map Projections

American Cartographer



For maps focusing on a region of interest, but including surrounding areas to provide a setting, new azimuthal projections have been developed with a 'magnifying-glass' effect. On two such projections, inside a circle bounding the region of interest is a standard Azimuthal Equidistant or Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area projection. Between this circle and an outer bounding circle azimuths remain true and the radial or area scale, respectively, remains constant, but at a reduced value. On four other projections, the inner portion is a standard azimuthal projection, which may be Stereographic, Gnomonic, or the above, but beyond this portion, the radial scale is gradually reduced to zero. Equivalents with rectangular boundaries are also available.
Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title “Magnifying-Glass” Azimuthal Map Projections
Series title American Cartographer
DOI 10.1559/152304087783875318
Volume 14
Issue 1
Publication Date March 14, 2013
Year Published 1987
Language English
Publisher Ingenta Connect
Larger Work Type Article
Larger Work Subtype Journal Article
Larger Work Title American Cartographer
First page 61
Last page 68
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