Equations to estimate low flows were developed using multiple-regression analysis with a sample of 48 river basins, which were selected from the U. S. Geological Survey's network of gaged river basins in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, and southwestern Maine. Low-flow characteristics are represented by the 7Q2 and 7Q10 (the annual minimum 7-day mean low flow at the 2- and 10-year recurrence intervals). These statistics for each of the 48 basins were determined from a low-flow frequency analysis of streamflow records for 1942-71, or from a graphical or mathematical relationship if the record did not cover this 30-year period. Estimators for the mean and variance of the 7-day low flows at the index and short-term sites were used for two stations where discharge measurements of base flow were available and for two sites where the graphical technique was unsatisfactory.