Sliding behavior and deformation textures of heated illite gouge

Journal of Structural Geology
By: , and 



The run products of a series of triaxial friction experiments on an illite-rich gouge have been examined petrographically to study the relationship between textural development and sliding mode. The samples show a complete range of textures, from ones in which the entire gouge layer is deformed to ones in which the deformation is concentrated along narrow subsidiary shears and the rest of the gouge layer is massive. The samples with a pervasively developed deformation fabric slide stably, whereas the samples containing shear bands show stick-slip motion if the intersection angles between boundary-parallel and cross-cutting (Riedel) shears are also relatively high. These textural differences suggest that localization of shear combined with higher-angle Riedel shears are somehow involved in stick-slip motion. The orientation of Riedel-type shears in natural fault zones may also have potential as a paleoseismological tool.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Sliding behavior and deformation textures of heated illite gouge
Series title Journal of Structural Geology
DOI 10.1016/0191-8141(89)90072-2
Volume 11
Issue 3
Year Published 1989
Language English
Publisher Elsevier
Description 14 p.
First page 329
Last page 342
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