Hydrologic effects of climate change in the Delaware River basin

Water Resources Bulletin
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The Thornthwaite water balance and combinations of temperature and precipitation changes representing climate change were used to estimate changes in seasonal soil-moisture and runoff in the Delaware River basin. Winter warming may cause a greater proportion of precipitation in the northern part of the basin to fall as rain, which may increase winter runoff and decrease spring and summer runoff. Estimates of total annual runoff indicate that a 5 percent increase in precipitation would be needed to counteract runoff decreases resulting from a warming of 2??C; a 15 percent increase for a warming of 4??C. A warming of 2?? to 4??C, without precipitation increases, may cause a 9 to 25 percent decrease in runoff. The general circulation model derived changes in annual runoff ranged from -39 to +9 percent. Results generally agree with those obtained in studies elsewhere. The changes in runoff agree in direction but differ in magnitude. Additional aspects of the subject are discussed.
Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Hydrologic effects of climate change in the Delaware River basin
Series title Water Resources Bulletin
DOI 10.1111/j.1752-1688.1989.tb01335.x
Volume 25
Issue 6
Publication Date June 08, 2007
Year Published 1989
Language English
Publisher American Water Resources Association
Larger Work Type Article
Larger Work Subtype Journal Article
Larger Work Title Water Resources Bulletin
First page 1231
Last page 1242
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