Effects of temperature and sliding rate on frictional strength of granite

Pure and Applied Geophysics PAGEOPH
By: , and 



Layers of artificial granite gouge have been deformed on saw-cut granite surfaces inclined 30?? to the sample axes. Samples were deformed at a constant confining pressure of 250 MPa and temperatures of 22 to 845??C. The velocity dependence of the steady-state coefficient of friction (??ss) was determined by comparing sliding strengths at different sliding rates. The results of these measurements are consistent with those reported by Solberg and Byerlee (1984) at room temperature and Stesky (1975) between 300 and 400??C. Stesky found that the slip-rate dependence of (??ss) increased above 400??C. In the present study, however, the velocity dependence of (??ss) was nearly independent of temperature. ?? 1986 Birkha??user Verlag.
Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Effects of temperature and sliding rate on frictional strength of granite
Series title Pure and Applied Geophysics PAGEOPH
DOI 10.1007/BF00877211
Volume 124
Issue 3
Year Published 1986
Language English
Publisher location Birkha??user-Verlag
Larger Work Type Article
Larger Work Subtype Journal Article
Larger Work Title Pure and Applied Geophysics PAGEOPH
First page 445
Last page 469
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