Stratigraphic, lithologic, and major element geochemical constraints on magmatic evolution at Lassen volcanic center, California

Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth



The Lassen volcanic center is the most recent of several long-lived volcanic centers in the southernmost Cascade Range. These centers have erupted products ranging from basaltic andesite to rhyolite and are superimposed on a background of regional basaltic to andesitic volcanism. The evolution of the Lassen volcanic center is described in three stages. Stages I and II comprise the Brokeoff volcano, and 80 km3 andesitic stratocone, active from 600 to 400 ka. Brokeoff volcano is compositionally equivalent to the regional basaltic andesite to andesite volcanism in the Lassen region and is the result of structurally controlled focusing of the diffuse regional mafic magmatism. Stage III comprises a silicic dome field and adjacent area of hybrid andesites and has a total volume of about 100 km3. Volcanism during stage III was episodic and is subdivided into four sequences of lithologically and temporally distinct lavas. Stage III began at 400 ka with a rhyolitic, caldera-forming pyroclastic eruption and chemically related lavas. Additional sequences of dacite erupted between 250–200 ka and 100–0 ka. Hybrid andesites erupted adjacent to the silicic dome field between 300 and 0 ka. Porphyritic andesite and dacite with high Al2O3, low TiO2, medium K2O and FeO/MgO ratios of 1.5–2.0 are the most abundant rock types in the Lassen volcanic center. However, the single most voluminous unit is sparsely phyric rhyolite pumice. In general, the lavas of Lassen volcanic center form a single coherent trend on major element variation diagrams and in pseudo-quaternary phase space, consistant with an origin either by fractional crystallization or magma mixing. In detail, however, the lack of systematic temporal change in silica and subtly crossing trends indicate a complex origin. A variety of statistically successful fractional crystallization models can be constructed that derive Brokeoff andesites from regional magmas. An important conclusion of the modeling is that if fractional crystallization is the process responsible for generation of Brokeoff andesite, then the parent magma must be low to medium K in geochemical affinity in order to explain the variation in K2O. However, although major element variation can be modeled by fractional crystallization, petrographic and stratigraphic evidence indicates that magma mixing is an important but subtle process in Brokeoff lavas and suggests that lavas evolved in small independent batches. Lavas erupted during stage III, while predominantly silicic, range from 53 to 75% SiO2. Disequilibrium mineral assemblages in the stage III lavas indicate that they are not directly derived from Brokeoff andesite by fractional crystallization. Mixing of silicic magma with regional mafic magma and disaggregation of andesitic quenched magmatic inclusions play dominant roles in the compositional diversity of stage III lavas.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Stratigraphic, lithologic, and major element geochemical constraints on magmatic evolution at Lassen volcanic center, California
Series title Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth
DOI 10.1029/JB095iB12p19651
Volume 95
Issue B12
Year Published 1990
Language English
Publisher American Geophysical Union
Description 19 p.
First page 19651
Last page 19669
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