Low intensity of the geomagnetic field in early Jurassic time

Journal of Geophysical Research
By: , and 



From a large collection of Jurassic continental tholeiites cropping out in Europe and Africa, we selected 90 samples for paleointensity determinations. The samples were carefully selected to avoid any secondary magnetizations, especially viscous magnetization. Use of the Thellier method reveals that magnetic property changes due to heating begin often at quite low temperatures but fortunately without modifying noticeably their natural remanent magnetization-thermoremanent magnetization ratio. Twenty-eight well-clustered paleointensity estimates were obtained from two European dikes that were emplaced during Early Jurassic time: the Kerforne dike at Brenterc'h in Brittany (northwestern France) and the Messejana dike on the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal). Virtual dipole moments calculated from both magmatic units are similar and only about one-third of present-day values. These new data lend support to the recently postulated low dipole moment of the Mesozoic geomagnetic field.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Low intensity of the geomagnetic field in early Jurassic time
Series title Journal of Geophysical Research
DOI 10.1029/91JB00871
Volume 96
Issue B9
Publication Date September 20, 2012
Year Published 1991
Language English
Publisher American Geophysical Union
Description 14 p.
First page 14197
Last page 14210
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