The early Paleozoic Salt Chuck intrusion has petrographic and chemical characteristics that are similar to those of Cretaceous Alaskan-type ultramafic-mafic bodies. The intrusion is markedly discordant to the structure of the early Paleozoic Descon Formation, in which it has produced a rather indistinct contact aureole a few meters wide. Mineral assemblages, sequence of crystallization, and mineral chemistry suggest that the intrusion crystallized under low pressures (~2 kbar) with oxidation conditions near those of the NNO buffer, from a hydrous, silica-saturated, orthopyroxene-normative parental magma. The Salt Chuck deposit was probably formed by a two-stage process: 1) a stage of magmatic crystallization in which the sulfides and PGE accumulated in a disseminated manner in cumulus deposits, possibly largely in the gabbro, and 2) a later magmatic-hydrothermal stage during which the sulfides and PGE were remobilized and concentrated in veins and fracture-fillings. In this model, the source of the sulfides and PGE was the magma that produced the Salt Chuck intrusion. -from Authors