Kinematic stratification in the hinterland of the central Scandinavian Caledonides

Journal of Structural Geology
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A transect through west-central Norway illustrates the changing geometry and kinematics of collision in the hinterland of the central Scandinavian Caledonides. A depth section through the crust is exposed on Fosen Peninsula, comprising three tectonic units separated by two shear zones. The lowest unit, exposed in the Roan window, is a modestly deformed, Caledonian granulite complex framed by a subhorizontal décollement, with NW-SE oriented lineations and kinematic indicators showing top-to-the-northwest transport. The middle unit, the Vestranden gneiss complex, contains relict granulites, but was penetratively deformed at amphibolite facies to produce an orogen-parallel family of structures during translation on the décollement. Shallow plunging lineations on steep schistosities are subparallel to fold axes of the dominant, upright, non-cylindrical folds. A small component of sinistral strike slip is also recorded. In contrast, southernmost Fosen Peninsula contains an abundance of cover rocks infolded with Proterozoic basement in a fold nappe, with shallow, E-dipping schistosities, down-dip lineations, and orogen-oblique, top-to-the-west shear sense indicators. A NE-striking, sinistral shear zone separates the gneisses from southern Fosen. Deformation in the Scandian hinterland was partitioned both in space and time, with orogen-parallel extension and shear at middle structural levels and orogen-oblique transport at shallower levels.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Kinematic stratification in the hinterland of the central Scandinavian Caledonides
Series title Journal of Structural Geology
DOI 10.1016/0191-8141(93)90152-Z
Volume 15
Issue 3-5
Year Published 1993
Language English
Publisher Elsevier
Description 18 p.
First page 629
Last page 646
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