Thermal and unroofing history of a thick, tilted Basin-and-Range crustal section in the Tortilla Mountains, Arizona

Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth
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We estimate here a geothermal gradient of only 17 ± 5°C km−1 for the tilted Grayback fault block in southeastern Arizona when extension began ∼25 Ma. This gradient is lower than preextension gradients estimated elsewhere in the Basin and Range, is only about 50% of typical gradients in the Basin and Range today, and needs to be accounted for in models of continental extension. The Grayback block exposes a 12-km-thick crustal section of Proterozoic and Cretaceous granitoids, which was tilted 90° during extension between 25 and 15 Ma. Zircon fission-track ages decrease structurally downward (westward) across the block and were all within a zone of partial track annealing prior to tilting and quenching. The zircon age gradient suggests that the 220°–240°C isotherm migrated downward 5–6 km during Paleogene erosion and regional cooling. Apatite fission-track ages decrease westward from ∼83 Ma in the structurally highest crystalline rocks to ∼24 Ma at ∼6-km paleodepth and then to ∼15 Ma another 6 km farther west. Track-length analysis confirms that apatites above the break in slope in age at ∼5.7-km paleodepth resided in a zone of partial annealing prior to tilting, and deeper apatites record rapid cooling upon tilting and unroofing beginning ∼25 Ma. At that time the 110 ± 10°C isotherm determined by the depth at which tracks in apatite were fully erased was at a basement paleodepth of ∼5.7 km, and the 220 ± 30°C isotherm as estimated from zircon data resided at a pretilting basement depth of ∼12.15 km. From consistent values of paleogeothermal gradient for two depth intervals we estimate the pretilt gradient was 17 ± 5°C km−1. From 25 to 15 Ma the rotating Grayback block cooled rapidly as higher, westward moving blocks unroofed it tectonically at a rate of ∼1 km m.y.−1.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Thermal and unroofing history of a thick, tilted Basin-and-Range crustal section in the Tortilla Mountains, Arizona
Series title Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth
DOI 10.1029/95JB02909
Volume 101
Issue 1
Publication Date January 10, 1996
Year Published 1996
Language English
Publisher American Geophysical Union
Description 12 p.
First page 511
Last page 522
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