Variability in perceived satisfaction of reservoir management objectives

Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
By: , and 



Fuzzy set theory provides a useful model to address imprecision in interpreting linguistically described objectives for reservoir management. Fuzzy membership functions can be used to represent degrees of objective satisfaction for different values of management variables. However, lack of background information, differing experiences and qualifications, and complex interactions of influencing factors can contribute to significant variability among membership functions derived from surveys of multiple experts. In the present study, probabilistic membership functions are used to model variability in experts' perceptions of satisfaction of objectives for hydropower generation, fish habitat, kayaking, rafting, and scenery preservation on the Green River through operations of Flaming Gorge Dam. Degree of variability in experts' perceptions differed among objectives but resulted in substantial uncertainty in estimation of optimal reservoir releases.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Variability in perceived satisfaction of reservoir management objectives
Series title Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
DOI 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9496(1997)123:3(147)
Volume 123
Issue 3
Year Published 1997
Language English
Publisher ASCE
Description 7 p.
First page 147
Last page 153
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