Power distribution in complex environmental negotiations: Does balance matter?

Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
By: , and 



We studied six interagency negotiations covering Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) hydroelectric power licenses. Negotiations occurred between state and federal resource agencies and developers over project operations and natural resource mitigation. We postulated that a balance of power among parties was necessary for successful negotiations. We found a complex relationship between balanced power and success and conclude that a balance of power was associated with success in these negotiations. Power played a dynamic role in the bargaining and illuminates important considerations for regulatory design.
Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Power distribution in complex environmental negotiations: Does balance matter?
Series title Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
DOI 10.1093/oxfordjournals.jpart.a024348
Volume 7
Issue 2
Year Published 1997
Language English
Publisher Public Management Research Association
Description 29 p.
First page 247
Last page 275
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