
Demonstration and Field Evaluation of Streambank Stabilization with Submerged Vanes

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Edited by: Hayes D.F.Hayes D.F.


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The effectiveness of submerged vanes for reducing bank erosion and improving aquatic habitat is being evaluated at a site on North Fish Creek, a Lake Superior tributary. Increased runoff from agricultural areas with clayey soils has increased flood magnitudes and the erosion potential/transport capacity of the stream. Most of the creek's sediment load originates from the erosion of 17 large bluffs. This creek contains important recreational fisheries that are potentially limited by the loss of aquatic habitat from deposition of sediment on spawning beds. Submerged vanes are a cost effective and environmentally less intrusive alternative to traditional structural stabilization measures. Submerged vanes protrude from a channel bed, are oriented at an angle to the local velocity, and are distributed along a portion of channel. They induce a transverse force and torque on the flow along with longitudinal vortexes that alter the cross sectional shape and alignment of the channel. Submerged vanes were installed at a bluff/bend site in summer and fall 2000. The number, size, and layout of the vanes were based upon the channel morphology under estimated bankfull conditions. The effectiveness of the vanes will be evaluated by comparing surveys of the bluff face, streamflow, and channel conditions for several years after installation of the submerged vanes with surveys before and immediately after their installation.
Publication type Conference Paper
Publication Subtype Conference Paper
Title Demonstration and Field Evaluation of Streambank Stabilization with Submerged Vanes
ISBN 0784405816
Year Published 2001
Language English
Larger Work Title Proceedings of the 2001 Wetlands Engineering and River Restoration Conference
First page 311
Last page 322
Conference Title Proceedings of the 2001 Wetlands Engineering and River Restoration Conference
Conference Location Reno, NV
Conference Date 27 August 2001 through 31 August 2001
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