Temperature history of Coregonus artedi in the St. Marys River, Laurentian Great Lakes, inferred from oxygen isotopes in otoliths
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The population of Coregonus artedi in the St. Marys River, between lakes Superior and Huron, was sampled and otoliths were analyzed for oxygen isotopic composition to determine whether the fish are residents in the St. Marys River and its warm bays or migrants to and from cold Lake Huron. Otoliths were extracted, sectioned, and growth ring-specific samples of calcium carbonate were milled to obtain samples for determination of oxygen isotope ratios (18O values). The 18O values of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) in accretionary structures such as otoliths allow calculation of growth temperatures of the fish, because of differential fractionation of oxygen isotopes at different temperatures. Growth temperatures of 10 St. Marys River lake herring were compared with lake and catch data as well as growth temperatures of lake herring collected from Lake Huron and other ciscoes from the Great Lakes. Results of this analysis indicate that these fish remained in the bays of the St. Marys River for their entire life history. After their second year they grew at average temperatures between 11 C and 13 C, consistent with temperature in the warmer bays of the St. Marys River and 6 C higher than expected for growth of this species in Lake Huron.
Study Area
Publication type | Book chapter |
Publication Subtype | Book Chapter |
Title | Temperature history of Coregonus artedi in the St. Marys River, Laurentian Great Lakes, inferred from oxygen isotopes in otoliths |
Year Published | 2002 |
Language | English |
Publisher | E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung |
Publisher location | Stuttgart, Germany |
Contributing office(s) | Great Lakes Science Center |
Description | 9 p. |
Larger Work Type | Book |
Larger Work Subtype | Monograph |
Larger Work Title | Biology and management of Coregonid fishes --1999 |
First page | 453 |
Last page | 461 |
Country | United States;Canada |
Other Geospatial | St. Marys River |
Online Only (Y/N) | N |
Additional Online Files (Y/N) | N |
Google Analytic Metrics | Metrics page |