The Solund-Hyllestad-Lavik area affords an excellent opportunity to understand the ultrahigh-pressure Scandian orogeny because it contains a near-complete record of ophiolite emplacement, high-pressure metamorphism and large-scale extension. In this area, the Upper Allochthon was intruded by the c. 434 Ma Sogneskollen granodiorite and thrust eastward over the Middle/Lower Allochthon, probably in the Wenlockian. The Middle/Lower Allochthon was subducted to c. 50 km depth and the structurally lower Western Gneiss Complex was subducted to eclogite facies conditions at c. 80 km depth by c. 410-400 Ma. Within < 5-10 Myr, all these units were exhumed by the Nordfjord-Sogn detachment zone, producing shear strains > 100. Exhumation to upper crustal levels was complete by c. 403 Ma. The Solund fault produced the last few km of tectonic exhumation, bringing the near-ultrahigh-pressure rocks to within c. 3 km vertical distance from the low-grade Solund Conglomerate.