DEM, tide and velocity over sulzberger ice shelf, West Antarctica

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Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets preserve more than 77% of the global fresh water and could raise global sea level by several meters if completely melted. Ocean tides near and under ice shelves shifts the grounding line position significantly and are one of current limitations to study glacier dynamics and mass balance. The Sulzberger ice shelf is an area of ice mass flux change in West Antarctica and has not yet been well studied. In this study, we use repeat-pass synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry data from the ERS-1 and ERS-2 tandem missions for generation of a high-resolution (60-m) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) including tidal deformation detection and ice stream velocity of the Sulzberger Ice Shelf. Other satellite data such as laser altimeter measurements with fine foot-prints (70-m) from NASA's ICESat are used for validation and analyses. The resulting DEM has an accuracy of-0.57??5.88 m and is demonstrated to be useful for grounding line detection and ice mass balance studies. The deformation observed by InSAR is found to be primarily due to ocean tides and atmospheric pressure. The 2-D ice stream velocities computed agree qualitatively with previous methods on part of the Ice Shelf from passive microwave remote-sensing data (i.e., LANDSAT). ?? 2005 IEEE.

Study Area

Publication type Conference Paper
Publication Subtype Conference Paper
Title DEM, tide and velocity over sulzberger ice shelf, West Antarctica
DOI 10.1109/IGARSS.2005.1525630
Volume 4
Year Published 2005
Language English
Contributing office(s) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center
Description 3 p.
Larger Work Title International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) proceedings
First page 2726
Last page 2728
Conference Title 2005 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2005
Conference Location Seoul, south Korea
Conference Date Jul 25-29, 2005
Other Geospatial Antarctica, Sulzberger Ice Shelf
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