Ecosystem development in roadside grasslands: Biotic control, plant-soil interactions, and dispersal limitations

Ecological Applications
By: , and 



Roadside grasslands undergoing secondary succession are abundant, and represent ecologically meaningful examples of novel, human‐created ecosystems. Interactions between plant and soil communities (hereafter plant–soil interactions) are of major importance in understanding the role of biotic control in ecosystem functioning, but little is known about these links in the context of ecosystem restoration and succession. The assessment of the key biotic communities and interactions driving ecosystem development will help practitioners to better allocate the limited resources devoted to roadside grassland restoration. We surveyed roadside grasslands from three successional stages (0–2, 7–9, and >20 years) in two Mediterranean regions of Spain. Structural equation modeling was used to evaluate how interactions between plants, biological soil crusts (BSCs), and soil microbial functional diversity (soil microorganisms) affect indicators of ecosystem development and restoration: plant similarity to the reference ecosystem, erosion control, and soil C storage and N accumulation. Changes in plant community composition along the successional gradient exerted the strongest influence on these indicators. High BSC cover was associated with high soil stability, and high soil microbial functional diversity from late‐successional stages was associated with high soil fertility. Contrary to our expectations, the indirect effects of plants, mediated by either BSCs or soil microorganisms, were very weak in both regions, suggesting a minor role for plant–soil interactions upon ecosystem development indicators over long periods. Our results suggest that natural vegetation dynamics effectively improved ecosystem development within a time frame of 20 years in the grasslands evaluated. They also indicate that this time could be shortened if management actions focus on: (1) maintaining well‐conserved natural areas close to roadsides to enhance plant compositional changes towards late‐successional stages, (2) increasing BSC cover in areas under strong erosion risk, to avoid soil loss, and (3) enhancing soil microbial functional diversity in resource‐limited areas, to enhance soil C and N accumulation.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Ecosystem development in roadside grasslands: Biotic control, plant-soil interactions, and dispersal limitations
Series title Ecological Applications
DOI 10.1890/11-0204.1
Volume 21
Issue 7
Year Published 2011
Language English
Publisher Ecological Society of America
Description 16 p.
First page 2806
Last page 2821
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