Pore-fluid migration and the timing of the 2005 M8.7 Nias earthquake
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Two great earthquakes have occurred recently along the Sunda Trench, the 2004 M9.2 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and the 2005 M8.7 Nias earthquake. These earthquakes ruptured over 1600 km of adjacent crust within 3 mo of each other. We quantitatively present poroelastic deformation analyses suggesting that postseismic fluid flow and recovery induced by the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake advanced the timing of the Nias earthquake. Simple back-slip simulations indicate that the megapascal (MPa)–scale pore-pressure recovery is equivalent to 7 yr of interseismic Coulomb stress accumulation near the Nias earthquake hypocenter, implying that pore-pressure recovery of the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake advanced the timing of the Nias earthquake by ∼7 yr. That is, in the absence of postseismic pore-pressure recovery, we predict that the Nias earthquake would have occurred in 2011 instead of 2005.
Study Area
Publication type | Article |
Publication Subtype | Journal Article |
Title | Pore-fluid migration and the timing of the 2005 M8.7 Nias earthquake |
Series title | Lithosphere |
DOI | 10.1130/L109.1 |
Volume | 3 |
Issue | 2 |
Year Published | 2011 |
Language | English |
Publisher | Geological Society of America |
Contributing office(s) | Earthquake Science Center |
Description | 3 p. |
First page | 170 |
Last page | 172 |
Other Geospatial | Indian Ocean |
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