Re-examination of selected MVT outcrops and cores in the Interior Plains and Rocky Moun-tains of Alberta, corroborated with previous paragenetic, isotopic and structural data, suggests Laramide structural channelling of dolomitizing and mineralizing fluids into strained carbonate rocks. At Pine Point, extensional faults underlying the trends of MVT ore bodies and brittle faults overprinting the Great Slave Lake Shear Zone define apinnate fault geometry and appear to be kinematically linked. Chemical and isotopic characteristics of MVT parental fluids are consistent with seawater and brine convection within fault-confined verticalaquifers, strong water-basement rock interaction, metalleaching from the basement, and focused release of hydrothermal fluids within linear zones of strained carbonate caprocks. Zones of recurrent strain in the basement and a cap of carbonate strata constitute the critical criteria for MVTexploration target selection in the WCSB.