The U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) data archive at the Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center is a comprehensive and impartial record of the Earth's changing land surface. USGS/EROS has been archiving and preserving land remote sensing data for over 35 years. This remote sensing archive continues to grow as aircraft and satellites acquire more imagery. As a world leader in preserving data, USGS/EROS has a reputation as a technological innovator in solving challenges and ensuring that access to these collections is available. Other agencies also call on the USGS to consider their collections for long-term archive support. To improve access to the USGS film archive, each frame on every roll of film is being digitized by automated high performance digital camera systems. The system robotically captures a digital image from each film frame for the creation of browse and medium resolution image files. Single frame metadata records are also created to improve access that otherwise involves interpreting flight indexes. USGS/EROS is responsible for over 8.6 million frames of aerial photographs and 27.7 million satellite images.