The ore deposits in the northern part of the Coeur d'Alene district are located within rocks of the Belt Supergroup that have been intruded by Cretaceous quartz monzonites. Lead-zinc-silver replacement veins constitute most of the deposits. The geometry of the district has been modified by post-ore faulting along the Osburn, Dobson Pass, and other faults. The original position of the Gem stocks, before their separation from the Diego Peak stocks by the Dobson Pass fault, can be approximately reconstructed by moving the truncated stocks and associated geochemical dispersion patterns back into matching positions. The known mineral belts are defined by dispersion patterns of both lead and the Pb:Zn ratio. Similar dispersion patterns of lead and the Pb:Zn ration northwest of the original position of the Gem stocks suggest that the mineral belts extend into that area.